Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric tests are assessment tools used to objectively measure an individual’s personality traits, aptitude, intelligence, abilities and behavioral style. Psychometric assessments are widely used in career guidance and employment to match a person’s abilities and personality to a suitable career or role.

Get Your Career Counselling done from Best Career Counsellors

Align with it’s highly experienced and certified industry experts is transforming thousands of lives by helping students and working professionals to identify their most suitable career and carve out a successful life. We follow scientific approach using DMIT, Psychometric analysis to understand personality type, supported by counselling with experienced counsellors. 

Career Counselling: Students

Career Counselling: Working Professionals

For Whom?


Psychometric tests help the right training which helps children to equip themselves for life, a choice of career is a critical choice and it needs to be an informed one. Any student who is studying in 8th Stadard or above. 

Working Professionals

The understanding of real self, career motivators, abilities and skills, values, learning style and personality traits help carve out the best profession and excel there. 

How It Works

Chat with an Expert

Have a discussion with our expert. It is a precounselling talk. This can be online or offline depending on the mutual suitability.

Psychometric Test

Finish the psychometric test which gives insigts on 6 dimesntions of the candidate. It takes 40 minuts to 1 hour

DMIT (Fingerprint Assessment)

Scientists have discovered that
fingerprints and innate intelligences are related. Through medical researches, it is found that fingerprints are formed during the 13th to 19th prenatal week.

Counselling with Expert

Detailed career counselling happens with the expert which include understanding the personality, career, scope, courses and certification and action plan

DMIT Report

DMIT can help to know inborn learning style and abilities. Discover hidden potential and talents that the individual possess, and understand his/her innate characteristics.

Detailed Career Report

A detailed report on all aspects of career and action plan is given to the candidate for future refernce

Post Counselling Support

2 years post counselling assistance is provided toevery student who is registered with Align once.

Achieve Greatness!

With the help of our experts and scientific tools you are all set to achieve great career heights

Schedule a Consultation

Book the slot for your discussion with the expert. Make the apyment from Book Now option and select the pre-counselling booking schedule once the payment is made.

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